We have burners for biomass with powers of 15,000 to 200,000 Kcal. They are modulating burners that are equipped with a control unit and a serpentine for the pellet dosage, almond shell, olive stone, etc. inside. It also has an optical sensor that, as the pellet that enters the burner is consumed, activates the coil to continue supplying the burner.
With this type of burners, you save on the fuel.
These models are used for baking ovens, coffee toasters, kettles, churros, fryers, chicken grills, heating boilers, drying ovens, drying rooms, paint booths, tape / drying tunnel ovens, air generators, boilers steam, oil boilers, crucibles, cast iron pots, textile tapes, adhesive tapes ...
Burners Heavy oil , burners Gas, burners Light oil , burners Mixed Gas / Heavy oil, Burners Gas / Light oil